Let's Recap Plastic Free July 2020!
What a crazy Plastic Free July it has been. We realized how much harder this Plastic Free July felt, and how much more we have learned. Going through Plastic Free July during a pandemic is no cakewalk, since our world is changing so fast and with new challenges every day. It seems that disaster capitalism has been on the rise, with the plastic industry reasserting it’s prevalence seemingly overnight. Major chains now no longer accept reusable mugs or bags. Even local shops are introducing restrictions on using reusable bags, mugs, etc. What is disaster capitalism you might be wondering? Well it is when a crisis is used to push forward a series of reforms or agendas that would otherwise be resisted or opposed. We know many of the new regulations are for the greater benefit and safety of society, like wearing masks and staying 2 meters (or 6 ft) apart. But we also need to pay attention to our world and be critical when considering why there is so much more plastic everywhere again! Being thoughtful, mindful, and kind during these times is paramount, and so be kind to yourself and others. Know that it got harder for us (the consumer) to be environmentally conscious during COVID-19, and that keeping our momentum going is crucial. Even the smallest changes you can make are amazing. We are so proud of anyone and everyone who has persevered through a challenging situation and who makes that extra effort.
As well all learn and adjust to this new normal, keeping up the small and easy plastic free changes in our lives is fantastic.We would like to share some ways we have kept up the Plastic Free July momentum! Here at Nature Bee, we have been able to continue our plastic free shipping. Meaning we have continued to abstain from using plastic wrapping or packaging of any kind in our shipping. Instead we use FSC® certified paper or recycled paper to keep our wraps safe throughout their journey. FSC® certified paper is paper that has been harvested in a responsible manner. We also have been buying berries from a local farm stand down the road for our staff, which comes in a paper container. We choose this option over the plastic clamshell containers, and we are able to support another local business in the process! These small and common habits for us seem so unimportant, but in the bigger picture they can have a great impact.
During this plastic free July we learned that if we can’t always do the ‘right’ thing, then support those who can. We launched our Plastic Free July bundle, where 10% of the profits were donated to Surf Rider Vancouver Island (VI). We have raised $500 from the sales of this bundle and the sale of Mystery Packs. If you were one of the people who purchased one of these packs and helped us donated to Surf Rider VI, thank you so much. Your donation will go towards some of Surf Riders fantastic initiatives like beach clean ups, their education and activist campaigns, and their volunteer-run water testing education and advocacy program. You can learn more about their amazing work by checking out their website. If you feel discouraged from any limiting factors this Plastic Free July, sometimes donating to a hard working, environmental group can help alleviate any regrets or discouraging emotions. Making the effort to create change somewhere, can be healthier and less stressful than taking on the worldwide plastic burden yourself. You are not alone in your efforts, and there are lots of other great people who are working hard to work towards the same goals as you. Supporting others means supporting the collective community and making a difference in and outside your community.
This blog post is a bit more serious than others, but we like to be honest and open with our readers about the challenges we are all facing together. Even if using our beeswax wraps is the only plastic free swap you use, that is a great start! We hope the wraps inspire you to try new alternatives. We have lots of other great blog posts that help you discover new eco friendly alternatives, and we hope you check them out.
We want to thank you all again for your support and YOUR hard work this month. We know making change requires time, effort, and even money. All of which are usually not readily available to us! We applaud you for your changes and efforts this month, we know making changes like these are easier said than done. We wish you the best on your own low-waste journeys, we know you can do it!